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Low Carb Weight Loss Diet | Free Daily Low Carb Diet Plan

Medically Reviewed by

This low carb weight loss diet should be followed as closely as possible for the first 3 weeks. This diet plan is focused on fat tissue loss and will also help maintain muscle. Are you looking to cut fat and look more lean? This is the low carb diet for you. You should feel leaner just after a few weeks of being on this diet.. review results after a few weeks of being on this and adjust accordingly.The objective of this low carb diet is to keep your blood sugar/insulin levels as balanced as possible. You can achieve this by eating smaller meals every 3-3.5 hrs. Do not cheat with 1 piece of candy or cookie thinking it won't hurt because it will cause a spike in your insulin which will cause your caloric intake to be stored as FAT! This low carb diet will help you to BURN FAT and MAINTAIN MUSCLE. Include some daily exercise and you are on your way!Upon rising 5:00-6:30 a.m

  • Protein shake (try for egg white, whey or hemp protein shakes)protein powder 1 scoop = about 1/4 cup for men use 2 scoops of protein powder.Use a protein powder that is LOW CARB and LOW SUGAR and 20 or more grams of protein per serving. any flavor you like.
  • Glutamine (1 scoop) = about 1 tsp. (optional but suggested will assist in muscle recovery)mix with water only or blend with can add 1-2 scoops of fiber if you want extra thickness and additional fiber which keeps you feeling full. Heart healthy too.

Go workout get some type of exercise- Minimum 30 min Cardio/weight training OR even better BOTH!Meal #1 8:30-9:00 a.m

  • Take Multi-vitamin and a mineral complex (if you're taking already exclude this!)
  • Oatmeal or grits (1 cup) (no instant stuff!) NO sugar or dairy added. add cinnamon with splenda for flavor if desired.
  • Egg whites (3) plus 1 yoke OR fat option is 8 almonds or cashews with oatmeal instead of eggs.
  • 16 oz. water or crystal light (drinking enough fluids is critical!)

Meal #2 11:30-12 noon

  • Blended smoothieprotein powder 1 scoop (isopure is a great protein for women)
  • glutamine (optional if you have sore muscles this will help)
  • flaxseed oil (1/2 TBLS) (light olive oil could be used)
  • frozen fruit or 1 cup fruit serving. Best fruits are berries/cantaloupe. TOTAL FRUIT is 1 cup. If you used 1/2 cup berries here you can have 1/2 apple with another meal.

Meal #3 2:30-3:00 p.m

  • 4 oz of boneless skinless chicken breast, salmon, tuna (low sodium) or lean red meat. (Vegan friendly, substitute with Tofu or other plant based lean protein.)
  • Fresh yams or brown rice (1/3 cup)
  • Steamed greens or salad with rice vinegar or light viaigrette dressing. (3 cups)
  • 16 oz water or crystal light

NOTE: If youre working out after work your dinner meal will probably be a bit later. Adjust times accordingly to allow 3-3.5 hrs in between meals.Meal #4 5:30-6:00 pm

  • 4 oz of bonless skinless chicken breast or cod, dover sole, red snapper, boneless halibut, orange roughy (only!) (Vegan friendly, substitute with Tofu or other plant based lean protein.)
  • Fresh steamed broccoli, asparagus, or green beans (only!) (can have 4 cups)
  • No salads at dinner for 4 weeks. keep salads at lunch time if you like to have one.


  • Protein shake (1 scoop)
  • glutamine 1 scoop (again optional)
  • magnesium supplement
  • 12 oz water
  • NO fruit or flaxseed oil here!

** For women over 50 yrs old a calcium mineral chew or tablet can give you 500 extra mg of calcium plus added healthy minerals.BIG NOTE: You are allowed ONE CHEAT MEAL A WEEK to eat anything you want WITHIN REASON!!! You find that you've worked too hard all week to mess up now. Try to limit yourself to 1 CHEAT MEAL a week rather than an entire day until you have reached your goals.


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